Why is Photographer Central being discontinued?
The Zenfolio team has created an exciting new product to allow you to list your photography services on our brand new platform, PhotoBooker. PhotoBooker makes it easy for you to conduct your photography business all in one place. Not only do we provide your photography listing services, but clients also have the opportunity to book and pay you directly through PhotoBooker.
What exactly is PhotoBooker and how does it work?
- PhotoBooker is an all-in-one marketplace, allowing clients to book photography sessions with you directly through the platform. It is free to join, and once you complete a session, payments are deposited directly into your bank account. For more information on how PhotoBooker works, click here
What will happen to my Photographer Central account?
- As of March 15, 2020, we are removing access to the Photographer Central platform for all users and sending all traffic and inquiries through the PhotoBooker site.
What actions should I take?
- Prior to March 15, 2020, you should create your free listing on the PhotoBooker platform. To learn how to sign up, you may refer to our help guide here. Once you are ready to join the PhotoBooker platform, you may sign up by going to https://www.photobooker.com/about/for-photographers
What will happen to my photos that are stored in Photographer Central?
- Your Photographer Central listing, as well as any data and/or images will be removed on March 15th. Once you join PhotoBooker, you can upload your portfolio and offer up to 20 different shoot types.
What if I have more questions?
- You can read more about our PhotoBooker FAQs here, or send our support team a message by visiting our contact page.