Note: This article refers to connecting your Google Calendar with PhotoBooker while signing up as a PhotoBooker photographer. If you need assistance creating your PhotoBooker account, please see our help guide here.
We all know how busy life can get. Between kids’ soccer games, lunch outings, or other photoshoots, your calendar can fill up fast. It’s important to be able to keep track of your schedule so that you don’t run the risk of double-booking or missing appointments. Here at PhotoBooker, we’ve made it easy for you to connect your Google Calendar so you can stay on top of all of life’s important events.
To connect your Google Calendar with PhotoBooker, head on over to your profile to begin. Don’t have a Google account? Sign up here.
The following steps will guide you on how to provide your general availability, as well as connect your Google Calendar.
Hours You’re Available
The first step in setting your availability on PhotoBooker is to choose the general hours you’d like to work. Do you have a 9-5 job during the week? If so, just simply choose evening hours or weekend hours as your general availability.
Are Mondays your preferred day off? Simply remove your availability for certain days by clicking the minus icon, as pictured below:
Sync your Calendar
Take the guess-work out of scheduling. By connecting your Google Calendar, you can stay organized and get photoshoot reminders sent directly to your email address and mobile device. Your bookings will instantly be added to your calendar, and any prior commitments that are scheduled on your calendar will block off your availability and prevent any double-bookings. Just click “connect” to start syncing your calendar.
Set Limits on Scheduling Options
The last step you’ll need to take to ensure complete control over your scheduling availability is to determine your time limits for each photoshoot, how many photoshoots you’ll offer per day, and how long you’ll need between each photoshoot.
Note: Shorter photoshoots mean more bookings. However, you might spend more time traveling between photoshoots. Also note that the minimum time between each photoshoot is 1 hr.
Confirmed Booking
Once a client has booked a session with you, the booking details will appear on your Google Calendar
Lastly, once you check the box below to agree to our Terms of Service, you’ll be one step closer to stress-free bookings!
Disconnecting your Google Calendar
To disconnect your calendar, simply hover over the top right hand corner of your calendar integration until you see the minus sign. Then, click on the button and confirm to disconnect your Google Calendar.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will PhotoBooker see the details on my personal events when I sync my Google Calendar?
- If you have personal events on your Google Calendar, PhotoBooker will not be able to see the details of those events. PhotoBooker will only be able to view these events as “busy,” or “unavailable” for PhotoBooker bookings.
What will happen if there is an event on my personal calendar that I have not accepted, will it block my availability on PhotoBooker?
- If you have a new event invitation on Google Calendar that you have not yet accepted, the time slot is seen as “available for bookings” by PhotoBooker. If you have replied “no” to an event on your Google Calendar, PhotoBooker will also see this as “available” for bookings. Conversely, if you have accepted a Google Calendar invitation or replied “maybe,” PhotoBooker will not allow any bookings for this time slot.
How many Calendars can you sync?
- You can only choose one calendar to sync with your PhotoBooker account
Can I move a PhotoBooker booking to another date and time from my Google Calendar?
- The PhotoBooker bookings on your Google Calendar are “read-only,” which means that you are not able to modify booking details within your Google Calendar. If you request a change to your booking, please contact PhotoBooker Customer Support.
Will I be able to cancel my PhotoBooker Booking from my Google Calendar
- In order to cancel a PhotoBooker booking, you will need to contact PhotoBooker Customer Support. Please note that preference is given to rescheduling with the client, and multiple cancellations may result in cancellation fees. In the event of an emergency or adverse weather, there are no penalties for cancellation.
What details will be shown in my Google Calendar view
- Once a booking has been added to your Google Calendar, you’ll be able to see details such as photoshoot title, photoshoot address, date and time, and other relevant details.
If I change my default calendar to another calendar, will my PhotoBooker events carry over to the new calendar?
- No - only future events will be added to your calendar once booked
If I disconnect my calendar, will my PhotoBooker bookings go away?
- Photoshoots that have been booked in the past will remain on your calendar, but future events will not be added to your calendar.
If I decide to connect my calendar at a later date and not at the time of the onboarding will the past bookings show up on the google calendar?
- No, events will only be added to your calendar once you have connected to your Google calendar
Do I have to set my Min/Max hours ?
- Yes, this function determines the length in which clients can book your photography services.
What is the maximum number of bookings that I can set in a day?
- You can choose to offer up to 8 bookings per day
What do you mean by "How much time do you need between photoshoots?"
- This setting is used to determine how much time you’d like to allow yourself for travel or breaks in between photoshoots. Please note that the minimum time between photoshoots is 1 hour.
Will the "How much time do you need between photoshoots" setting affect my Google calendar if I have synced my Calendar?
- No, only your PhotoBooker availability will be affected by the amount of time needed in between photoshoots.
What if I have more questions?
- Send a message to our Support Team! We're always happy to help 😀